Monday, July 10, 2006

A Home Stager's Rationalizations

Do you have a number of reasons as to why you haven't started your home staging business yet? Do you find yourself saying, "I'm too tired" or "I'm too unsure of myself" or "I don't know what to charge" or "I'm not sure what to say"?

This type of excuse making masks something else going on inside - something you might not realize about yourself.

That something is "rationalization".

When fear gets hold of us, we can come up with all kinds of excuses as to why we aren't functioning yet. And the reasons we give all "appear" to be valid reasons as to why we can't move forward. But in reality they are excuses to justify our fears.

Did you know that most fears we have never are realized in actuality? Well, except if you venture on a car lot to buy a new or used car.

I've had to live the last several nights with my garage door propped open because of some repairs being done. My husband was out of town. While I took every precaution to secure the home, I was none-the-less apprehensive that I had not done enough.

Even though I reminded myself that my concerns were exaggerated, I felt nervous and anxious until I fell asleep.

Most times, what we fear is of our own making and never becomes a reality in our lives.

But in order to stop feeling fearful, we have to take a first step. Even if it's a little step. Take the first step, then another, then another, then another. You'll quickly discover that your fears were totally unfounded and rather silly.