Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Home Staging Word of Caution

Our training is very affordable - don't take those high priced seminars or home study courses that are full of fluff and fillers or that are over the top expensive, where they try to convince you that you can't be successful without them or in a hands-on class environment!

It's totally unnecessary and rather foolish, if you ask me. Don't get fooled into believing you have to belong to their pricey organizations or become licensed by them at the tune of $6500 per year. That's pure nonsense! I've never fallen for that stuff and you shouldn't either.

I just ran across a trainer in the northern hemisphere charging for teleconference fees and licensing her business name for $6500 per year. I am totally shocked. I have never been associated with any organization ever and getting business is not that hard to do.

Be careful. Shop around for your training just like you would when buying a car. Be smart. Don't fall for all the spin going on out there in home staging and redesign.