Sunday, July 16, 2006

Impact of Your Self Image

You're staging homes for a living. You're excited about what you do. But things aren't going so well. You don't know why.

I was standing this morning looking out my kitchen window. In the distance are 3 large palm trees swaying in the wind. The sky is a brilliant blue with large white bellowy clouds passing overhead.

The temperature is already warm and I know it's going to be a hot day. But I stand there enjoying the cool breeze coming through my window, caressing my skin and I thank God for giving me such a beautiful day.

The wind blowing the trees in the distance can't be seen. The breeze filtering through my hair can't be seen. While I can't see the wind, I know it exists because I see the effects with my eyes and feel the effects on my skin.

The same is true for your self image. How you feel about yourself can not be seen with eyes nor felt by other people in and by itself.

It can only be witnessed and it can only be felt by the effects our self esteem causes. In other words, how you feel about yourself, how you talk about yourself in your mind, will cause something to happen - either good or bad.

Your self esteem is unseen - but the effects of it can be seen everywhere you go. So be kind to yourself. Lighten up. Be good to yourself and you're bound to see good things come into your home staging business as well as your personal life.